Brew Method- Coffee Class

If you follow me on Instagram you probably know that Johnny and I have been taking coffee classes at one of our local coffee shops. We love coffee and in our home we kinda take coffee seriously, I say kinda because how serious can coffee be…really? We love everything about coffee but most importantly the classes that we took at Augie’s taught by one of their rad baristas – Trevis, has taught us to appreciate the process. I started drinking coffee at a very young age. I remember being 7 living in Honduras ( I could write a book about my year there) and drinking freshly roasted coffee every morning. Since then I’ve looked forward to every morning and the perfect cup.

For a while now we’ve been experimenting with a few different brewing methods, and it’s only been in the last couple weeks, since diving into coffee and really absorbing all that Travis shared with us that we’ve been consistently happy with the cups we brew every morning. I am in no way saying that I know all there is to know about coffee, not sure anyone does, but lately I have been able to recognize a good cup from a great cup. I know that this comes from the holistic view of the coffee process that Travis has introduced us to. He, has given us a better idea of how and why coffee is grown, why roasting is truly an art, how to understand and adapt my brewing methods, and how to respect the craftsmanship that goes into coffee done well.

The video below highlights some of the brewing methods that we discussed in class. What is your brewing method? We love a good ol’ French Press. But on extra special mornings I bring out my chemex. I like the simple, hands on approach of plain filtered water dripping through great coffee. It’s a slow moment every morning for my husband and I. Running two businesses and dreaming about new ventures can make life hectic, making these mornings so special! I will be sharing more videos – stay tuned.

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